The black dog

When people talk about depression they aren't all talking about depression. Some are talking about the blues which is something entirely different. I don't talk about my depression much. In fact for years I didn't even know how to label what ailed me.

About 2 years ago I went to the docs and talked about what was going on in my head. I'm glad I did even though I was really scared. The meds don't make it all better but they do help. The thing is that when I start to deteriorate mental health wise I don't always realise until I am really quite unwell. It's hard to ask for help. I don't know why it's so hard ... it just is.

I know it's stupid to wish things away. It's what children do isn't it? I do wish though. I wish my mind was in better shape.


  1. I've been depressed off and on, mostly on, since I was eight years old. I take my meds faithfully. I try to walk outside which helps and I use Cognitive Behavior Therapy which helps a lot. It's a serious, sometimes fatal disease.

    I seldom get deeply depressed now thank goodness, not even when Mum died. I was sad, but not depressed thank God.

    I still wish things away. I'm getting better at seeing things as they really are though, ever so slowly:)

    Take care woman.

  2. Wishing is OK, and acting on it is better. sending prayers and hugs your way Jos

  3. A wise post, Jos. Wish on!! Depression is often treated like a dirty little secret and we're ashamed to admit we suffer from it. Sending you love, hugs and get-well prayers. xoxo

  4. Jos, sweetie, I think wishing is okay , but also take your meds,
    if you are really depressed, then you must take them, it's okay, we are all flawed, some days I feel I am the most flawed person on earth :-). One flaw is not worse than another and we can't help some of them, I happen to love your mind. Big hugs. xoxo

  5. me too lovely jos, i couldn't manage without my meds.
