Update from Jos-Land

As always time has gotten away from me. Suddenly it feels autumnal and we have had our first frost of the season already. I am well. It's funny how when the chips are down and I don't have time for introspection I feel mentally quite well, even whilst feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.

Mum's chemo has been suspended as her liver function is not good enough just now to continue. So whilst she actually feels better through not having the chemo, the outlook is less positive. We are enjoying some family time as my oldest brother is visiting from Canada along with his eldest daughter who is here for an exchange year as part of her graduate programme. It is good to spend time together although the tinge of sadness is an ever present back-drop.

We will be harvesting 4 frames worth of honey after all which is quite exciting news. As a novice bee-keeper I have never harvested honey but we have already done the hardest bit which is separating the bees from their cache! It is an absorbing and interesting hobby. I am so thankful to have Johns many decades of experience to call upon. He looks very jaunty at the moment having just celebrated his 82nd birthday. I bought him a rather dashing bow-tie which he has taken to wearing with some alacrity. Mum is not so impressed but we are secretly very pleased with ourselves nonetheless. T'is important to keep some small measure of positivity going despite going through difficult times.

Trev is going back into hospital this coming week for further tests. All in all though I think he is doing OK although naturally enough we are both feeling the strain of waiting for tests and test results in roughly equal measure. Nothing moves as quickly as we'd like in these circumstances.

I am learning a beautiful song on my battered old guitar at the moment. Dar Williams - If I Wrote You it's called.

Have a listen. The guitar in this is just lovely isn't it?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRWFXQssS-M


  1. Heavy things, and yet you still find light. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves, but when we can manage positivity over the negative view, we actually aid our own healing (which has such a wide variety of forms!) Stumming a battered old guitar sounds like a lovely thing to do, and the song is beautiful, as are you :) I'm so sorry about your moms difficulties. I completely missed whatever is going on with Trev! I went back a few posts but didn't see anything. I hope it's not too serious. And those bees! I think it is so incredibly brave of you. I'd no sooner stick my hand in a bee hive than yank my own teeth out with pliers. Hell no! So...YOU GO GIRL! Get your honey :)

    Miss you dear friend. I hope to be more communicative one of these days! Have a good day Citrus!

    Love ya

  2. gee jos, it's so nice to be here. ♥

    it seems like you are living the hard and the soft of life right now. learning and communing with bees. visiting family. strumming a guitar.

    i hope your Mother stays comfortable and there is quality precious time.

    i have to tell you about dar williams. you already know how much i love her song Iowa (i cry every time). she is the best friend of nerissa nields, my own friend and leader of my big yellow writing group. it's a small world.

    i feel a large shift in you, jos. there seems to be a kind of peace you carry. and of course, i benefit too, walking along side you.


  3. Hey Jos, been a long time. Sorry to hear about your mom, I'll keep her and you in my prayers. And you're a beekeeper now, wow, enjoy the honey. Much as I love honey though, I'm a tad scared of them stingers....

  4. glad you wrote Jos, - you are certainly going thru a sea change now. sending good thoughts to you and your family

  5. Hi sweetie. Even through the last hard weeks I have had you on my mind, knowing that you too are going through some changes with more to come. I keep you in my heart always and have your mum, Trev and John in my prayers and thoughts. Wish I could taste that honey. Love and hugs. xoxo

  6. i come to see you after all this time. (how long has it been?) and all of these changes, inside and out. (oh, your mum))) and trev))) and bee keeping and guitar strumming, two things i plan to pick up when we move, moving into a new life...a new way, i hope. been moving into it for years. how we have changed, jos, and how we have not changed. startling, isn't it, this thing, this life? and that you would think of me! (jesusgod, you astound me.) (i am at the same post office box, 947...same town and all that for now, waiting in a two bedroom apartment for U.S. immigration to give me the green light to move down and be married. you need not send me a thing though, jos. you thought of me. holy holy.))

    be so incredibly well. eat honey by the gobs.


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