Some Starting Point

I hate that familiarity breeds contempt
how is it that I can trace my hand
across any part of your terrain
and know it as if it were my own
whilst your thoughts remain hidden
behind this dull but polite courtesy
when did we start behaving this way

How can I risk so much on you
when you give so little in return
each small step seen from the outside
can feel like a giant leap from within
and yet … ah well, here we are again
with me thinking this way and you that
am I still so blind to your compromise

Can divergence ever be persuaded
to change course and head for home
have you forgotten the promises we made
that no matter what life brings our way
you and I would be our own safe haven
us against the world, do you remember
such safety found in each others arms

As I talk of such matters I meet your eyes
I want you to see my serious intent
knowing my simplicity bothers you
makes you think I don’t see the whole
the complexity of the issues at play
but in this you mistake me my love
for I see it all … all too well

I am not searching for a quick fix
but a lasting solution or resolution
I want to find some starting point
a place where I can stand with you
where we can once again become one
even if it is only in this endeavour
to find some way forward together


  1. Sweet Jos. You know how deeply I feel with you here and understand. Sometimes a drastic measure is required to break the crust from eyes that cloud. Get down on your knees, look up at him with clasped hands and beg him open wider. Stand on the kitchen counter and yell "FUCK" at the top of your lungs and tell him you will cease when his heart is open to all you are. I don't know. Leave no regret on the stove Jos. Boil your relationship down to nothing and check the residue in the pot. Swipe a finger across the blackened bottom and taste the place where love grows again...from ashes. I am hoping so.

    Your adoring friend

  2. ohhh. what annie said.

    and yet, i live another side, i'm afraid. one where the pot just didn't have the capacity. and much else, too.

    but, yes, what annie said.


  3. Dear Jos. You have such a gift for words and emotion. I read passages in your poetry that make me halt and just say, "Yes, exactly!" What I fail to put into words, you do so beautifully. Sometimes, I think men and women are just so different, think differently, are biologically different, that it's a wonder we even come together for any significant period of time. I look at elderly couples still holding hands, and it dumbfounds me and melts me at the same time, makes me yearn.

    Thank you so much for your recent visit and sweet, thoughtful words. You gave me reason to smile, and I am grateful.

