A parcel

There is nothing quite like getting a parcel
reminds me of being a child at Christmas time
a mysterious box arriving from so far away
brown paper, strange stamps, shaky handwriting
all of our names written large across the top

Under the tree it would go to sit for weeks
lifted and looked at, shaken time and again
what fabulous item might be hidden within
almost always a book, my very favourite thing
read without fail by close of Boxing Day

And so this morning I chatted to our postie
whilst removing some stamps for her son
there was a tingle of anticipation and delight
fully realised on opening it up, your gift
such amazing pictures, ah and chocolate

Well, you are right of course when you say
that no day is complete without chocolate
breaking off a piece I indulge, savour the taste
as I peruse these photos, reminding me again
that there is so much beauty in the world

And no more so than is found in your heart
I love them, they are stunning, just stunning
and now I have a small glimpse of your world
but I won't tuck them away, no I will share
jealously though, as they so richly deserve.


  1. Three cheers for chocolate and four cheers for things in the mail.


  2. Oh, those reminds of the beauty...so much...so important. Savor it on the tip of your tongue, in the core of your heart.

  3. so glad yours arrived too - mine cheered my whole day!

  4. if i could write really, really small here i would. your anticipation and appreciation a bigger gift to me and i got here so late. forgive me that. i thank you for your happiness. i do wish it could have been more but it does seem that whatever passes my hand gets tinged with a little bit of shabby. i do not have a grand hand.

  5. Dear friend, thank you for your kindness.

    Love Renee xoxo
